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mercoledì 9 settembre 2009

Top 10 most wonderful deserted beaches in Brazil

Viaje Aqui, a popular Brazilian travel website, launched a contest in early 2009 to choose the most beautiful deserted beach in Brazil. The winner is Praia do Sancho, in Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco. You can view the complete list of 32 contestants and their classification on the contest page (in Portuguese). Here is a list with the 10 most voted beaches, with quick tips about their characteristics and location.

1. Praia do Sancho - Fernando de Noronha, PERepeatedly voted for and referred to as the most beautiful beach in Brazil, Sancho is one of Fernando de Noronha's many wonders. A rock wall with native vegetation encloses a bay with green/turquoise water, reefs and impeccable diving conditions. Getting to the beach requires descending from the top of the cliff via a vertical metal ladder through a hole in the rock.Noronha is a safe haven for rotifer dolphins and has a Projeto Tamar unit to protect sea turtles. Access to Fernando de Noronha, by boat or plane, is controlled. An environment protection fee (Taxa de Preservacao Ambiental - TPA) is charged before departure or upon arrival at the archipelago.

2. Riacho Doce - Itaúnas, ESSand dunes, coral reefs and a waterway (Riacho Doce) almost on the border of Espírito Santo and Bahia. Access by beach trekking (about 6 miles) or by car with a guide.

3. Tambaba - Conde, PBGrottoes, corals, natural pools. Separate, controlled area enclosed by high cliffs is the pioneer of official Brazil nude beaches and the site of the 31st World Naturist Congress in September 2008. Easy access from the PB-08 freeway.Tambaba wallpaper

4. Praia do Cedro - Ubatuba, SPPreserved forest, diving, rich ocean life. Access by trekking (about 1 hour) from Praia da Fortaleza.Praia do Cedro photoMore Ubatuba beach photos

5. Barra dos Remédios - Camocim, CESand dunes, strong winds, a lagoon at the mouth of the Rio dos Remédios. Access by buggy or 4-wheel drive vehicles

6. Carro Quebrado - Barra de Santo Antônio, ALAccess by boat/car/walking or buggy. Folha de São Paulo writer Margareth Magalhães recommends hiring local guides. The name of the beach ("broken car") is due to rocks that can only be seen when the tide is low.Carro Quebrado photo

7. Bonete - Ilha Bela, SPGreat surfing, a nearby waterfall, an inn. Access by boat or by 4-hour trekking in the Atlantic Forest

8. Icaraizinho de Amontada - Amontada, CEStill primitive, a popular windsurf point. Access by dirt road (about 30 miles).

9. Lopes Mendes - Ilha Grande, RJGreat surfing, plenty of space, gorgeous water color. Access: 45 minutes by boat plus 20-minute trekking, or 2 1/2-hour trekking.More Lopes Mendes photos

10. Brava da Almada - Ubatuba, SPSurfing, dolphis, sea turtles (Ubatuba has a Projeto Tamar station on a nearby beach. Part of Núcleo Picinguaba, a state conservation unit. Access by trails from neighboring beaches (Engenho, 10 minutes, and Fazenda, between 30 minutes and an hour).

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